Bushfires that have burnt through wilderness areas in Tasmania are now threatening trees that grow nowhere else in the world and are critical to the state's honey industry — as authorities confirm an Overland Track hut has been lost to fire. 2025-02-12 06:20:47
Sixteen separate fires have burnt through more than 45 000 hectares of bush, with little rainfall expected until late on Thursday or Friday at the earliest. 2025-02-12 03:19:40
Farmers are celebrating the federal government's decision to withdraw the proposed biosecurity levy bill, which would have seen $50 million per year collected from the agricultural sector. 2025-02-12 02:50:27
Former Tasmanian Labor leader Rebecca White officially quits state parliament to allow a recount to happen in time before state MPs return in March. 2025-02-12 01:28:44
Primary school students were handed a microphone to ask Anthony Albanese anything they wanted — and they didn't shy away from the heavy topics. 2025-02-12 01:03:56
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