Timeline   ACT   NSW   NT   QLD
SA   TAS   VIC   WA   Australia

Part of Australia's charm is its history. It also makes for some great places to visit! So take a journey down Australia's timeline & see what you can discover, or even learn.

Australia's Timeline


24 August

British troops pull out of NSW


08 August

Melbourne Town Hall officially opened


01 June

Representative Government is granted to WA


25 May

Bushranger Captain Thunderbolt shot dead near Uralla


17 January

Total Lunar Eclipse


23 July

Lunar eclipse


10 January

The clipper Thermopylay completed fastest voyage from London to Melbourne, in 64 days.


09 January

Convict transportation to Australia ends


07 November

First Melbourne Cup


06 June

Queensland is established as a separate colony from New South Wales


07 August

First organised game of Australian Rules Football in Victoria


04 February

The secret ballot was introduced, and all adult men could vote


03 January

Name 'Tasmania' replaced Van Diemen's Land.


01 January

Robert Knox formed the Colonial Sugar Refining Company.


03 December

Rebellion of goldminers at Eureka Stockade, Ballarat,VIC


24 June

89 die in the Gundagai floods, Australia's deadliest flood


01 August

Discovery of gold in Victoria, leading to the Victorian Gold Rush


01 July

The separation of the colony of Victoria from New South Wales


12 February

The discovery of gold in New South Wales and Victoria sparked a rush of excitement among prospectors.


06 February

The Black Thursday bushfires. A devastating series of fires that swept the state of Victoria, burning up 5 million hectares (50,000 sq km), about a quarter of the state's area. Twelve human lives were lost.


01 October

Founding of Sydney University


15 June

To help colonizers settle in southern Queensland, the New South Wales Government formed a Native Police force of Aboriginal troopers and European officers in 1848.


01 July

New Zealand becomes a separate colony from the Colony of New South Wales and made a colony in their own right. Ending more than 50 years of confusion over the relationship between the islands and the Australian colony.


19 January

A group of stockmen in the Colony revenged themselves against innocent, unsuspecting Native Aborigines by murdering them and burning their bodies in a remote part of the Bush. The Myall Creek massacre.


28 October

The Battle of Pinjarra takes place in the Peel region, a significant conflict between European settlers and the Indigenous Noongar people


01 January

During a period of eighty years, over 162,000 convicts were sent to Australia, with around 7,000 arriving in 1833 alone!


14 July

From 1831 the British and Australian colonial governments subsidised or paid for thousands of migrants to move to Australia.


18 April

The Sydney Herald (later to become The Sydney Morning Herald) was first published.


07 March

Administration of King George Sound passes to Swan River Colony, convicts returned to New South Wales.


04 March

'Quintus Servinton' by Henry Savery, was the first novel to be written and published in Australia (Hobart).


31 October

Europeans formed the 'Black Line', a human chain across Tasmania, in an attempt to capture and relocate the remaining Aboriginal people, allowing them to take control of the region.


12 August

Founding of Perth, Western Australia


04 June

Colony of Western Australia established at Perth by Captain James Stirling. The British Government agreed to found the colony as the first free settlement in Australia.


01 June

Colonists first sighted land. The first significant European settlements were established on the Swan River by James Stirling.


02 May

Captain Charles Fremantle declared the Swan River Colony (Western Australia) for Britain


26 December

New South Wales established first settlement in Western Australia at King George Sound as a convict-supported military garrison, named Frederick Town but renamed Albany in 1832.


14 June

Van Diemen's Land (now Tasmania) becomes a separate colony


22 January

Founding of Brisbane, Moreton Bay Penal Settlement


10 September

A penal settlement is established at Redcliffe on Moreton Bay (still NSW). The following February it is moved to the Brisbane River, which is now the City of Brisbane


04 June

Ex-convict Andrew Bent founds first free press in the Australian colonies


15 February

The first gold discovery is made by James McBrien in the Fish River, near Bathurst, New South Wales


02 January

Agricultural Society formed in Tasmania.


26 January

The first official celebrations are held in Sydney to mark the 30th anniversary of the original settlement


08 April

Governor Macquarie establishes the Bank of New South Wales


01 January

Rum Hospital (now called Sydney Hospital), which opened in 1816 as the first public hospital in Australia and was the site of Lucy Osburn founding modern nursing in Australia, has been providing medical care to the poor since 1845.


07 May

Governor Lachlan Macquarie's establishment of the inland town of Bathurst was a great achievement, but it carried a heavy cost for the local Aboriginal population.


17 July

Matthew Flinders' book "A Voyage to Terra Australis" recommended using the name Australia instead of New Holland


25 February

Introducing the exciting 'holey dollar', Australia's first coin with a hole in the middle!


18 May

Blaxland, Lawson & Wentworth cross the Blue Mountains


20 April

A road from Sydney to Parramatta is open to traffic


15 January

Australia's first official horse race is held in Hyde Park, Sydney. It was held by the Officers of the 73rd regiment


01 January

Governor Lachlan Macquarie arrives in Sydney


25 April

Convict Isaac Nichols appointed as Australia's first postmaster


26 January

The Rum Rebellion of 1808 was the only successful armed takeover of government in Australian history. Later referred to as the Great Rebellion. It lasted until 1st January, 1810.


26 January

Martial Law is declared & Governor William Bligh is placed under house arrest & held prisoner for more than a year before being returned to England


14 March

Irish convicts mutiny at Castle Hill, Sydney


04 March

Castle Hill convict rebellion, also known as the second Battle of Vinegar Hill, occurred in New South Wales.


20 February

The Risdon settlement was moved to Sullivan's Cove (now Hobart) by Colonel David Collins.


08 January

A report of a cricket match is published in the Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser. It is the first account of a sporting event in Australia


12 September

Rear-Admiral John Bowen arrived at Risdon Cove, which later became Hobart. Among the original 49 settlers at Risdon Cove were 21 male and 3 female convicts, members of the New South Wales Corps and free settlers and their families.


09 June

Captain Matthew Flinders completed the first circumnavigation of the Australian continent (still known as "New Holland"). His ship the Investigator was subsequently judged to be unseaworthy and condemned.


05 March

Australia's first newspaper, the Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, begin publishing on a weekly basis


02 June

Aboriginal warrior Pemulway is killed near Paramatta


08 April

Captain Matthew Flinders named Encounter Bay when he met Nicolas Baudin, the commander of the Baudin expedition, who was on a similar expedition for the French government.


06 December

Captain Matthew Flinders reached and named Cape Leeuwin and proceeded to make a survey along the southern coast of the Australian mainland.


01 January

Union Jack first hoisted in Australia.


26 June

First Merino sheep are imported from South Africa


15 February

Australia's first bushranger John 'Black' Caeser is shot & killed at Liberty Plains (now Strathfield), near Sydney


07 September

John Hunter arrives as second Governor of NSW


02 October

In the Hawkesbury River massacre, British settlers retaliated against Bediagal people for stealing clothing and provisions by killing seven of them and taking some of their children as farm laborers.


30 November

The name Australia was specifically applied to the continent for the first time with the botanists George Shaw and Sir James Smith writing of "the vast island, or rather continent, of Australia, Australasia or New Holland" in their 1793 Zoology and Botany of New Holland.


01 May

Pemulwuy bravely fought against the colonists to protect his people's land.


17 October

Establishing a whaling station in Sydney was an exciting event.


09 July

The first ship of the Third Fleet arrived at Sydney Cove.


09 July

The first ship of the Third Fleet arrived at Sydney Cove.


28 June

5 of 6 ships of the beleaguered Second Fleet have arrived during the past month. The colony was gripped by a food crisis.


28 June

The Second Fleet arrived in Sydney with convicts & the first detachment of 100 men from the NSW Corps


03 June

5 of 6 ships of the beleaguered Second Fleet arrived. The colony was gripped by a food crisis.


04 June

The first play performed in Australia was for the Kings birthday. The play called The Recruiting Officer was performed by convicts


01 April

Smallpox and other diseases brought by European settlers decimated First Nations populations while the colonists remained relatively unscathed.


31 December

Aboriginal Australians couldn't be coaxed into the settlement. Captain Phillip wanted to promote good relations between Aboriginal Australians and Europeans, so he captured one named Arabanoo & held him in confinement, hoping to learn his language.


02 November

A party of marines from the New South Wales Marine Corps and 10 convicts left to establish a farming settlement at Rose Hill (Later called Parramatta).


20 August

Lt. William Bligh in HMS Bounty, en route to Tahiti, anchored at Adventure Bay, Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania). The party planted apple trees, fruit stones and various vegetables before departing on 4 September.


26 April

An exploring party led by Captain Phillip sighted and named the Blue Mountains.


15 March

Captain Phillip issued the first government conservation order, that no trees should be cut down within 50 feet (15 metres) of the stream that ran into Sydney Cove.


06 March

Lt. King took possession of Norfolk Island. British settlement founded.


02 March

Captain Phillip set out to explore Broken Bay. On this trip he discovered and named Pittwater.


27 February

Thomas Barratt was hanged for stealing in stores, the first execution.


07 February

Captain Phillip addressed the convicts, wishing them ‘reformation, happiness, and prosperity, in this new country'.


06 February

The women convicts came ashore. There followed a ‘scene of debauchery and riot’, accompanied by a violent thunderstorm.


03 February

Rev. Richard Johnson held the colony’s first religious service ‘on the grass’.


28 January

17 Wives of marines and 14 children disembarked from Prince of Wales. They were the first women and children to land. The first of the livestock was brought ashore.


27 January

Convicts disembarked at Sydney Cove and helped clear the ground.


26 January

11 ships of the First Fleet land at Sydney Cove with 1373 settlers which included 732 convicts & their children


26 January

Early in the morning, Captain Phillip took a party ashore at Sydney Cove, raised the British colours and formally proclaimed British sovereignty over New South Wales.


24 January

The French ships Boussole and Astrolabe appeared off Botany Bay. The expedition vanished mysteriously in 1788 after leaving Botany Bay on 10 March 1788.


18 January

The First Fleet arrives at Botany Bay


13 May

The First Fleet led by Captain Arthur Phillip left England to found a penal colony in Australia. It reached Botany Bay in mid-January 1788.


11 May

The botanist Sir Joseph Banks, who accompanied Capt. Cook, tells the British Govt that Botany Bay is a suitable place for a convict colony


22 August

In 1770, Lieutenant James Cook declared the eastern coast of Australia as New South Wales and 18 years later, the First Fleet arrived to establish a penal colony.


22 August

Captain Cook takes possession of the whole eastern coast in the name of King George III, naming it New South Wales


20 April

James Cook discovers the east coast of Australia


20 April

British Lieutenant James Cook, in search of the postulated continent of Terra Australis, was to be the first documented European expedition to reach the eastern coastline.


19 April

Captain Cook aboard the Endeavour sights the Australian coast at Port Hicks, in Victoria


01 January

Aboriginal people of northern Australia and Makasar from Sulawesi began trading with each other in an engaging manner.


05 January

A well-armed party landed near the present-day Cottesloe Beach & marched eastward to the Swan River near Freshwater Bay


30 December

Dutch explorer Willem de Vlamingh charted the southwestern coast of Australia, making a landfall at Rottnest Island.


05 January

English explorer William Dampier explored the West Coast of Australia making many discoveries, before later being court-martialled for cruelty.


05 January

William Dampier sighted north-west coast of New Holland.


01 January

English navigator John Daniel on the New London charts the WA coast, including Rottnest Island & the Wallabi Group of the Houtman Abrolhos


28 April

The Vergulde Draeck strikes a submerged coral reef midway between Seabird & Ledge Point, WA. Of the 193 crew, 118 are believed to have perished


24 November

Abel Tasman sighted the west coast of Tasmania, north of Macquarie Harbour. He named his discovery Van Diemen's Land.


04 June

First European structure in Australia – Wiebbe Hayes Stone Fort on West Wallabi Island


04 June

VOC ship Batavia wrecks on Houtman Abrolhos, off Geraldton. Mutiny ensues and at least 110 men, women, and children are murdered


26 January

François Thijssen came upon the most south-west tip of Australia, near Cape Leeuwin


27 July

First European child in Australia is born. Seebaer van Nieuwelant, son of Willemtgen and Willem Janszoon, is born south of Dirk Hartog Island, in present-day Western Australia


26 May

The Tryall, under the command of John Brooke, was wrecked on the Tryal Rocks off the north-west coast of Western Australia in 1622. Her crew were the first Englishmen to sight or land on Australia. The wreck is Australia's oldest known shipwreck.


01 July

VOC ship Mauritius under command of Supercargo Willem Janszoon, lands near North West Cape, near the modern town of Exmouth


25 October

Dirk Hartog, commanding the Eendracht, made history as the first European to land in Western Australia, leaving a recording of his voyage on a pewter plate.


01 August

Spanish seaman Luís Vaz de Torres sailed through the Torres Strait, between Australia and New Guinea, along the latter's southern coast


01 May

Pedro Fernandes de Queirós expedition reached the islands later called the New Hebrides (Vanuatu). Queirós landed on a large island which he took to be part of the southern continent, and named it Australia del Espiritu Santo.


01 May

The name "Austrialia" was used for the first time by Pedro Fernandes de Queirós, a Portuguese navigator, who sailed south with the intention of finding Terra Australis, the mythical "great south land," and claiming it for Spain and the Church.


01 March

The Dutch East India Company (VOC) ship Duyfken, under Captain Willem Janszoon, explored the western coast of Cape York Peninsula. This was the first recorded landfall by a European on Australian soil.
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