Australian Mysteries

Fact or Fiction ... You Decide

Wurundjeri Country

Ghostly Legends of Luna Park Melbourne

Ghostly Legends of Luna Park Melbourne

Ghostly Legends of Luna Park Melbourne

Luna Park, Melbourne's iconic amusement park, is a place of laughter and fun. But did you know that it also has a darker side? If you believe in ghosts, then you might be interested to learn about the mysterious legends that have sprung up around this beloved landmark. Let’s explore some of its spookiest stories and see what we can uncover!

The Phantom Train Ride

One of the most popular ghost stories connected to Luna Park is the legend of the phantom train ride. According to local lore, late at night when the park is completely empty, an old-fashioned steam train can be seen chugging through its tracks. The train appears out of nowhere and runs for about two minutes before vanishing as quickly as it appeared. Some say that this eerie sight is actually a ghost train from long ago, returning from beyond the grave on special occasions.

The Laughing Ghost

Another mysterious legend tells of a ghostly figure who wanders around inside the park’s arcade games at night. Witnesses claim to have heard disembodied laughter echoing through the dark hallways, only to find an empty room when they enter. Could it be the spirit of someone who once enjoyed playing these machines? Or could it be something else entirely?

The Face in The Tunnel Of Love

Sights aren’t limited to just sounds either; many people report seeing strange images within Luna Park’s attractions as well. A particularly unsettling one comes from those brave enough to take ride on ‘The Tunnel Of Love’ boat ride - located near where ‘The Face In The Tunnel Of Love’ photo was taken in 1937 - where they claim to have seen a ghostly face staring back at them from within their boat.

Whatever you believe about these supernatural legends surrounding Luna Park, there’s no denying that this beloved amusement park has held onto some truly spooky tales throughout its lifetime. Whether or not you choose to believe in ghosts is up to you—but if you ever find yourself wandering through its grounds late at night, keep your eyes peeled for any strange sights or sounds! You never know who (or what!) might be lurking in wait.

Luna Park Map   





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