Esperance / Golden Outback

Western Australia

Mirning Country

Eucla on the Nullarbor

Eucla on the Nullarbor

Eucla on the Nullarbor

Eucla is located approximately 13 kilometres west of the South Australian border. Established in 1877 as a manual repeater station for the Overland Telegraph. In the 1890's a rabbit plague passed through the area which caused large sand drifts that repeatedly covered and uncovered the telegraph station. Today, it is said, that the telegraph station ruins are haunted by a ghost.

  • Accommodation: motel,hotel, caravan park, camping grounds
  • Restaurant: yes
  • Service (Gas) Station: yes
  • Police - Eucla: (08) 9039 3470
  • Medical: Royal Flying Doctor Service (emergencies only) 1800 625 800

Eucla Map   





08 Sep 2013


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Eucla on the Nullarbor
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